Arts & Culture

“All children are artists.
The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up.”

Pablo Picasso

Arts & Culture

Lilyfontein offers Art as a subject from Grade 1 through to Grade 9 in our two vibrant art classrooms that are always hives of creativity. With the knowledge that the arts are essential in the development of the whole child, our art department provides our learners with the space for self-expression through a wide variety of art forms such as printmaking, collage, ceramics, sculpture, drawing and painting and design.

Our cultural department offers various extra-mural clubs and opportunities to foster and develop creative and performance skill. This is an area in which our learners have fun while broadening their social horizons. 

Lilyfontein recognises the invaluable skills a child learns as they create or perform, skills which transfer over to all spheres of their development.

We exhibit at:

  • EL Fest Eisteddfod grade 1-12 – Belgravia Art School
  • East London Primary School’s Art Exhibition – Belgravia Art School
  • East London High Schools Art Exhibition – Belgravia Art School
  • School Displays, Founders Day, Open Evenings, Prize Givings

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